23 April, 2012

5 things to do when you arrive in Korea

  1. Clean yourself up.
    After your week of orientation you will meet your co-teacher (or head teacher, in my case) so yes, that means no jeans, sneakers and tee-shirt. Find that suit and tie / dress or nice pants and top.
  2. Know where you live.
    I made the mistake of not jotting down my address the first night I went out and ended up having to stay at a friend's place feeling like an idiot. Amongst other things (I won't go into details but that night was craptacular after the party). Also know where you work and how to get there.
  3. Get rest.
    You've been on a plane for like ever (my trip over was about 13 hours) so you need to sleep off the jet lag.
  4. Find your bus routes.
    You will need them.
  5. Find your local shops.
    That's a no-brainer. Where can you buy your groceries?!


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