05 September, 2012

Surviving monsoon season (it's behind us, thankfully!)

How do you survive jangma (장마), otherwise known as the monsoon season, in Korea?
Rule number one: Buy an umbrella.
Rule number two: Never forget your umbrella.
Rule number three: Buy a new umbrella if you forget your umbrella.
Rule number four: Refer back to rule number one.

The monsoon season generally begins in mid-June and lasts until mid-July. Hot and humid weather accompany it.

And, frankly, it wasn't too bad this year (apart from the hot and humid). I've heard horror stories, and seen pretty terrible videos. I was pretty prepared to expect the worst. It never really hit us that badly... unless you're talking about those night time rains. But, you know what, I don't count those, really, because I was safe and sound at home watching the monsoon hit Ulsan from my home.

In any case, here's a video of when it really happened. And I was so freaking lucky, because it started juuuuust when I got home.

Now, it's time to await the typhoon season. Siiiiiigh...


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