15 March, 2012

It's about time I showed my schools

Yup. I work at two schools. When I was offered the job I was told I'd only be working at a high school but it turns out I work three days (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) at an elementary school next to my place and only two days (Tuesday and Thursday) at a high school far, far away on the other side of town. It takes me about an hour, an hour and a half, to get there.

But I'm not here to complain. Yes, it's a hassle because I need to wake up early on the days that I work at the high school (9-3:30), whereas I work after-school hours at the elementary school (12-7) so I can sleep in a bit, but these things do happen and I used to work rollercoaster days like that back home *shrug*

Anyway. I just wanted to post to show my schools! ^^

My "office" at Guyeong Elementary, as there is no room in the official teachers' office. So I've been assigned a classroom for lesson planning and deskwarming.
The view outside my "office" window. I think my apartment building is just out of the frame next to the last building on the right.
My classroom/office at Anione High. Double-monitor setting and big touchscreen, baby!
I think Korea has an obsession with world clocks. But this is another view of my classroom at Anione.
And the view outside my classroom window at Anione. That building on the left is the students' dormitory.
Cheers! I'm off to a little dinner with friends. Hopefully my stomach has settled after chundering a little while ago... I don't feel as queasy though so I guess I'm good to go. Tourelou!


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